The Club’s first weekend, from June 17th to June 19th 2022.
Go on a two-day journey, exclusive and unexpected, patrimonial and musical, at the Côte d’Or, between heaven and earth !
By invitation of our friend Stéphane Sésé, we will be received at the castle of Chevigny-en-Valière for a concert-dinner and a hot air balloon trip.
We will start our weekend with a visit and a musical evening that will mark the memories.
Everything will be organised by the Patrice Besse Group and orchestrated by Concours de Genève International Music Competition & ProMusica, concerts agenda.
The next day, a hot air balloon trip, breakfast and a private visit of the Château du Clos de Vougeot. And to finish our trip, a dinner at Garum-Table Vivante at Beaune.
Located twelve kilometres away from Beaune, in Chevigny-en-Valière, the Chevigny Castle, with its towers, warheads and bell towers, awaken enchantment. In love with literature, classical music and opera, Mister Louis Brossard, owner of the castle at the end of the 19th and the start of the 20th century, will bring its support towards musicians and artists. In this way, he will mention from memory that certain Parisian artists, benefitting great notoriety, loved to perform in Chevigny, in spite of their engagements in the theatres of the capital.
The new owner of the castle, Stéphane Sésé wishes to restore to this forgotten paradise the intonations and musical accents that once resonated under the polychrome roofs. Extending his love of the arts and beauty, Stéphane Sésé feels like a spiritual heir of a tradition that continues, in a universe that he holds dear to heart, the one where the echos of tessituras of Hortense Schneider, or from the Belle Otero, or the partitions of a revolved time, of Offenbach or Counod, enriched by the vibrations of deciphered booklets of musicians of yesteryear.
At the start of the 20th century, Mister Louis Brossard assiduously attended the Opéra de Paris, where certain works of Carpeaux are similar to the busts enthroned on the facades of the castle.
He asked his friend Charles Carnier to advise him concerning a majestic staircase for the castle, inspired by those of Paris or Monte-Carlo. This staircase is all the more linked to the world of opera as it leads to a well-hidden theatre, set up in one of the towers of the castle.
The small theatre received in April 2021 the clarinetist Kevin Spagnolo to take pictures for his first record, recorded as part of the Prix spécial Montres Breguet which he received for winning the Concours de Genève. It’s only natural that Kevin Spagnolo wanted to perform there with musical friends, not only to reanimate this castle, but also to pay tribute to the passion of his protector and benefactor Stéphane Sésé, who became the owner of the castle of Chevigny-en-Valière through the intermediary of the Group Patrice Besse.
Winner of the 73rd Concours de Genève in 2019, as well as countless other international competitions, Kevin Spagnolo starts learning to play the clarinet in his native city of Lucca, before perfecting his skill at the Haute Ecole de musique in Geneva. Exceptionally virtuoso instrumentalist coupled with a lyrical temperament in search of freedom, he publishes his first album “Façades” in 2021 in parallel with a remarkable debut on the biggest stages, as popular as a soloist as for his qualities as a chamber musician.
Born in Tokyo, Japan, Serika Saito starts to play the piano at the young age of 4. In 2021, she finishes her Master studies in accompaniment to the piano at the Haute Ecole de Musique of Geneva. Since 2021, she is the official accompanist of the Keifer Hablitzel Göhner Musikpreis competition (Switzerland). She accompanies several conservatories and several music schools in Switzerland.